
Living outdoors

The Swedish countryside is available to everyone – you can enjoy the fragrances, birdsong, flowering meadows and the quiet calm of the forest. But you must take care of the natural world and show consideration to both people and animals. Do not disturb and do not destroy – these are the main rules of allemansrätten [the Swedish legal right of public access to nature].


Nature is a place that offers both recreation and reflection, where the basic needs of life and living in the moment can become more apparent. To ensure your stay in nature is a positive experience, it’s important to be well-prepared.

Make sure you have the right equipment and clothing to stay dry, warm, and comfortable, based on the weather conditions. Being able to assess different situations that may arise and respond accordingly is also crucial. It’s helpful to have knowledge of the area, the prevailing conditions, and any applicable rules or guidelines for being a responsible guest in the natural environment. By taking the time to plan and prepare, you can make the most of your time in nature, finding both relaxation and a deeper connection with the world around you.


You are allowed to erect a tent for a day or two on land which is not used for agriculture and is out of the way of dwellings. This is a privilege we benefit from here in Sweden, based on mutual trust and respect for animals, nature and people. This privilege must be well nurtured. Anyone choosing to live outdoors must know all parts of allemansrätten! The latter states that it is prohibited to drop any litter outside! A cigarette end in a dry forest in summer can cause an enormous amount of devastation. Glass, cans, plastic bags and bottle tops can cause damage to both people and animals. You take these things with you into the countryside, so take them back with you!! Neither is it permitted to drive motor-powered vehicles in the countryside.


Hearing whispering spruce forests and murmuring brooks is a fantastic experience, and something we hardly have time for nowadays. If you are inspired by the fact that nature is inviting you to a visit, there are several options for a forest experience. We know some places in the forest where there are old lumberjacks’ cabins or prepared shelters which just give you a roof over your head. Nature provides the framework. If you are interested in an overnight stay with an emphasis on the natural world, then please contact us!