Travel conditions for private persons
Vildmark i Värmland is a privately owned Swedish company that organises timber rafting, canoeing and other outdoor experiences for individuals, companies and groups. Vildmark i Värmland with its legal name, Värmlands Vildmarksarrangör VIV AB (Org.nr. 556590-4371), is the responsible organiser. Address: Röbjörkeby 7, SE-685 92 Torsby.
You are welcome to book tours and other products offered by Vildmark i Värmland by telephone or e-mail/internet. When booking, an invoice is obtained with the name of the person responsible for booking and payment. This person will hereinafter be referred to as the guest. The guest has to be at least 18 years of age and he/she is obliged to provide Vildmark i Värmland with accurate booking and contact details. Any changes or cancellations must be made by the guest. The invoice is the agreement between the guest and Vildmark i Värmland. It should include the products and/or services that were reserved, time/place for the arrangement’s start/finish together with other possible conditions agreed by Vildmark i Värmland in connection with the reservation. Guests booking are responsible for reviewing the invoice and pointing out any possible errors. The contract is confirmed when the guest pays the deposit or the entire amount determined by the invoice to Vildmark i Värmland within the specified time. If the arrangement is not online, we help you with the booking without cost.
You can choose to pay to Vildmark i Värmland’s bank account or by credit card.
1a) Payment by invoice – After reservation has been made with Vildmark i Värmland, a registration fee of 20 % of the total price is to be paid within 10 days after booking. Always state the booking number when paying. The booking is contracted when Vildmark i Värmland has received the deposit. The remaining amount is to be paid within 31 days prior to arrival. When final payment is completed, the guest is granted access to the travel documents for the desired arrangement. If the booking is made within 31 days of the desired arrival date, the full amount is charged at once.
1b) Payment by credit card – The booking is contracted when the payment is completed, provided the booking fulfill the particular conditions for the respective product. Otherwise the guest is contacted so that it can be corrected for the guest to receive the travel documents. Payment can be made by credit card (VISA or MasterCard).
1c) We charge you the full amount immediately when you purchase a gift card.
Cancellation is to be made by the guest to Vildmark i Värmland’s office, via phone at +46 560-140 40 (if the office isn’t open, leave a message on the answering machine) or via e-mail at info@ vildmark.se
When cancelling 31 days prior to arrival day or earlier, a handling charge of 250 SEK/adult and 125 SEK/child is charged.
When cancelling between 30 and 15 days prior to arrival day, 30% of the booking total is charged.
When cancelling within 14 days to 8 days before arrival day, 50% of the booking total is charged.
If cancelled within 7 days before arrival day, the full amount is charged.
Booking alteration
Modification of date is considered a cancellation and will be treated as one. Please note that if a cancellation insurance has been signed in connection with the booking, one change of date within the current season can be made without additional fees if this is done by the guest on or before 15 days prior to arrival, subject to availability. Other alterations to the reservation such as adding people or products can be made (if such a service is available). Contact Vildmark i Värmland via e-mail or phone.
Cancellation insurance
When booking an activity/arrangement, a personal cancellation insurance can be chosen. This will protect the guest from cancellation fees if an activity/arrangement is cancelled by the guest due to one of the following reasons:
a) Severe disease, accident or case of death that affects the guest, a close relative of the guest, or if the person traveling with the guest has cancelled due to one of the reasons given above.
b) Other unpredictable incident that affects the guest of such magnitude that the guest could not attend the reserved event, such as a fire accident in the home.
Note! The arrangement or the cottage (if a cottage is a part of the arrangement) must not have begun according to the times specified for the respective arrangements for cancellation insurance to apply.
The guest may either receive the full amount paid back minus the handling charge (250 SEK/adult & 125 SEK/child) and the cancellation insurance cost or the proposition of doing the same or similar journey with Vildmark i Värmland at another given time (the next season at the latest, however, this does not imply to single travelers that are part of a group).
Certificate from doctor or insurance company must be presented within 10 days after the cancellation was made. The certificate must indicate why the guest should not attend the booked journey.
If the guest chooses to move the arrangement forward to a new date, the guest retains the same price as the original booking, even if there is a possible price increase. However, note that the cancellation protection is “used up”. If the guest wants the same protection on the new date, the guest books a new cancellation protection at the price valid for that year.
Guest´s responsibility
1) General
Being able to receive important messages at the phone number or e-mail address provided when making the reservation. Check the confirmation invoice to ensure that it contains the correct information. Errors should be pointed out promptly. The guest will inform his/her fellow travellers regarding what has been booked and the conditions for the event. Please have insurance that will cover any possible damage that can occur to the guest’s privately owned equipment if it is for some reason transported by Vildmark i Värmland’s vehicles.
2) Outdoor activities (timber rafting, canoeing etc.)
The guest should be prepared with appropriate clothing for outdoor activities and he/she should approach on-water activities with caution at all times. All adults in the group must be able to swim.
The guest is responsible for rented equipment to be returned on time, intact and clean, at the final destination specified by Vildmark i Värmland. Lost goods/equipment will have to be paid with the replacement cost for the item. The guest shall always report damages arising and pay the repair cost.
At the start of the journey, the guest will be asked to sign a contract where he/she states that they have agreed to perform the activity and that they understand the concepts of the right of public access to nature, risks and personal responsibility, and that they have made the assessment to be able to conduct the activity on the basis of the information given.
The customer can, for example, be liable for damages, fines or imprisonment if a fire is spread out of control, if a fire is made during a fire ban or if garbage is left on the ground.
For timber rafting, the following applies: Vildmark i Värmland requires that at least two adults accompany each raft. The guest makes the timber rafting journey on their own and, naturally, with his/her fellow travellers, therefore at least one additional adult is required. If the guests cancel the timber rafting journey at a place other than where agreed with Vildmark i Värmland, the guest will be charged 5000 SEK/timber raft due to the extra work and transportation of persons, equipment and logs that Vildmark i Värmland has to arrange.
For canoeing, the following applies: Children 15 years and younger are required to be accompanied by an adult. The guest is charged if the arrangement is cancelled at a location other than one agreed with Vildmark i Värmland.
3) At accommodation
Please read the special conditions for accommodation which are valid when booking just an accommodation. However, if you book an arrangement where a accommodation is included in the package (for example Timber raft All inclusive, Timber raft 2 days, Timber raft 2 nights), these conditions apply for the arrangement.
Organizer´s responsibility
When the full payment for the timber rafting/canoeing arrangements has been received, Vildmark i Värmland will provide the guest with travel documents about the journey.
Vildmark i Värmland sees to it that for all arrangements in the outdoors, you will have had a proper briefing before starting. The briefing will help the guest to have greater knowledge of the activity they are attending, for example how to build a raft, how to canoe properly, safety, the right of public access to nature, etc.
Vildmark i Värmland provides life jackets if you are going timber rafting or canoeing.
During an event, Vildmark i Värmland will provide advice and assistance concerning the raft and its construction or the canoe, so that the guest is able to complete the timber rafting/canoeing tour to the final destination at no additional cost.
All arrangements located in a natural environment are exposed to prevailing weather conditions. Because of thaw and rain, springtime often leads to higher water levels in the watercourses where Vildmark i Värmlands activities are located. During the dry summer season, the opposite may occur. All watercourses are regulated, meaning the human factor can also play its part. Vildmark i Värmland reserve the right to alter an arrangement due to external factors we can’t control.
Consumer complaints
Any possible complaints about the arrangement must be made immediately by the guest to Vildmark i Värmland’s office by phone +46 560 140 40 or to any instructor working for Vildmark i Värmland. It is important that the guest communicates these complaints so that Vildmark i Värmland has the opportunity to solve the issue as soon as possible. If the guest has failed to express his/her complaint, we cannot offer compensation. If the guest still isn’t pleased with the solution or the compensation provided, a written complaint is to be sent to Vildmark i Värmland within 14 days after the arrangement has ended. If the guest and Vildmark i Värmland disagree, the guest can turn to the National Board for Consumer Complaints (ARN), whose decision Vildmark i Värmland will comply with.
Personal data act
Vildmark i Värmland is responsible for the secure and structured registration and processing of the guest’s personal data in connection with accommodation/activity bookings. Please read the privacy policy here.
Force Majeure
Both parties have the right to withdraw from the arrangement if it can not be fulfilled due to war, natural disasters, labour disputes, major disruption of water or energy supply, outbreak of fire, flood or any other similar major event that precludes the journey from being completed. Events that the organizer cannot foresee or influence when the agreement was made. In these circumstances, the organizer is not obliged to pay any indemnity fees or other penalties.
For conference and group orders, special booking conditions will be applied. For more information, please contact Vildmark i Värmland. We reserve the right to legal changes and price changes beyond our control.
The contractual and legal relationship between the guest and Vildmark in Värmland is based solely on Swedish law.
We wish you a pleasant natural experience.