Privacy policy
This Privacy Policy describes what, how and why Vildmark i Värmland collect personal data according to EU data protection legislation valid from May 25th, 2018.
1. Personal Data Responsibility
Vildmark i Värmland (registration number: 556590-4371) is responsible for the safe and structured registration and processing of the guest’s personal data in connection with accommodation/activity bookings. Data collection can be done via telephone, e-mail, web, social media and manual input. When booking online, the guest will provide the information on the web-based reservation system. Vildmark i Värmland have agreed a procedure for the handling of personal data with their technical service provider.
When booking accommodation/activities via a partner, the customer provides the necessary personal information directly to that partner. Only the guest’s name and age will be given to Vildmark i Värmland.
2. What personal data and why?
2.1 General
Vildmark i Värmland collects a guest’s date of birth, address, email and telephone number from direct booking or bookings for other sources. Booking requests containing personal data are important so that detailed information relating to bookings ensures that arrangements can be well prepared prior to arrival. The data is also used to ensure that guests are of the minimum age required for accommodation / activities so that Vildmark i Värmland comply with their responsibilities for guest safety and security during the guest’s stay / activity.
2.2 Photographs/film/audio recordings
Vildmark i Värmland documents its activities with the aid of photographs/film/audio recordings. These are used to distribute information about Vildmark i Värmland’s marketing activities in printed media, on the internet, in social media and through partners. Photographs/film/audio are used, unless otherwise agreed, without naming people.
2. Allergies and health issues
With accommodation/activities where the guest has ordered food, Vildmark i Värmland need to collect data on allergies and other health issues that may be crucial to the safe delivery of that service.
2.4 Customer surveys
Vildmark i Värmland has an ongoing product development policing and routinely asks guests about their experiences of accommodation & activities. To collect the data, Vildmark i Värmland sends out a questionnaire (or researches through another suitable method) then guests have the opportunity to give their own point of view of the accommodation / activity.
2.5 Certificate following completion of activity.
On completion of a timber raft tour of 3 days duration or longer, Vildmark i Värmland sends out a certificate or other form of greeting to add value to the activity.
2.6 Close relative details in case of unexpected incidents.
With longer tours (minimum 3 days) Vildmark i Värmland holds the relative’s name and telephone number so that they can be contacted in the event of an unexpected accident or incident.
3. What is the legal basis for collecting personal information?
3.1 General
When booking accommodation/arrangements, the guest includes a contract, which gives Vildmark i Värmland the right to the person’s name and address. This is in order to communicate with the guest who has booked, reply to questions, provide information before and during the event, Vildmark i Värmland also need an email and phone number. This is considered to be our legitimate interest as it effectively supports the connection with the booking and delivery of arrangements, ie. it is in both parties’ best interests.
The Personal Data Agreement is also the basis for bookkeeping and preparing a statement of accounting to fulfill legal obligations.
3.2 Photographs/film/audio
Photographs/film/audio recordings taken during the guest’s accommodation/activities will be treated with great respect to maintain the guest’s integrity. Photographs/film and audio recordings are important instruments for providing information about Vildmark i Värmland and marketing the business. They are also considered to be of interest. Please note that photographs/ film/ audio recording of guests are clearly portrayed and require the consent of the guests.
3.3 Allergies and other health issues.
If the guest’s accommodation/activities includes food with special needs, Vildmark i Värmland require the consent of guests to store that data. The same applies to other personal needs for more personal nature.
3.4 Customer Surveys
If the guest agrees to complete a questionnaire or other research at the end of their stay or activity, that information may be used by the organiser or shared with the organiser’s partners.
3.5 Certificate after completion of the event.
If the guest wishes to receive a certificate or other greeting after completion of the activity, their consent is required.
3.6 Close relative in case of unexpected incident.
When guests check in on arrival, they have the option to leave a name and telephone number for a close relative.
4. How do we use personal data and for how long?
4.1 General
Vildmark i Värmland very much restricts the use of personal data. Vildmark i Värmland is the only contractor for the booking with access to the guest’s personal information. Vildmark i Värmland will never divulge a guest’s personal information to a third party (except by agreement, see section 4.4).
Guests can of course actively choose to follow us on Facebook, Instagram or other social media where we give tips, ideas and inspiration for experiences in nature.
Vildmark i Värmland saves basic information of contracts for 7 years so that Vildmark i Värmland comply with accountancy laws.
4.2 Photographs / film / audio recordings
Photographs/film/audio recordings are saved for as long as they are relevant to Vildmark i Värmland’s business.
4.3 Allergies and other health conditions
Sensitive information such as allergies and health issues are saved for a maximum of 6 months after the activity/accommodation has been completed.
4.4 Customer research
If a guest has agreed to let us send a questionnaire or similar following an activity, then that information can be used by Vildmark i Värmland or our working partners with whom we have an agreement. Parts of that information can also be to develop research in cooperation with universities or colleges. This information can be used for up to 3 years after completion of the activity.
4.5 Certificate after completed activities
If the guest has consented to receive a certificate, this will be sent out at the first opportunity, no later than 31 December of the same year as the timber raft tour.
4.6 Nearest relative to unforeseen events
If the guest has given a name and phone number for a close relative, these are deleted after completion of the event.
5. Guest’s rights
According to EU data protection legislation, the guest has certain statutory rights in relation to the personal data Vildmark i Värmland handle. The guest has the right to access his/her personal data, right of rectification and deletion and right to object to treatment. The person who has consented to the processing of personal data also has the right to withdraw this consent. If the guest wishes to withdraw his / her consent, object to Vildmark i Värmland’s treatment or believe that the processing of personal data is not relevant to the stated issues, the guest may request deletion or restriction of his or her personal data or object to any treatment by email to: info@vildmark.se
The guest can also send a letter to Vildmark i Värmland’s office. The address is:
Vildmark i Värmland
Box 209
SE-685 25 Torsby